Trail Mix: Party Mix Edition

Trail Mix: Party Mix Edition

Do you ever have day where you’re craving something, but you want it a specific way and you know that’s not how you’re going to find it in any store. Well, that’s how this trail mix came to be. At the time, I selected one that was closest to what I was looking for, but it didn’t satisfy the craving 100%. That lead to a discussion with my boyfriend about what would be our perfect trail mix mixes. 

For me, my go to traditional trail mix consists of three different nuts, one variety of dried fruit and something to give crunch and sweetness that doesn’t only come from chocolate candy. Most times I don’t even want chocolate, but that isn’t easy to come by in the store. And if you do find one, usually the substitute is to add, what I like to call, filler nuts that make me feel like I’m eating bird food. 

All those reasons are why I will stick to making my own.  If you’re concerned with the costs of nuts, to that I say, shop local. All the nuts I used are locally sourced here in Texas and were half the cost of what you find down the snack aisle from name brands. Also, bonus, you’re more likely to find unsalted versions. This way you can control how much salt, if any, gets added. 

Now let’s get into this mix I created. This is the mix I gravitate to when I’m craving a little of everything. It hits all the snack hot spots. It’s salty, sweet, crunchy, a little peanut buttery, just everything you want and keeps you grabbing for more. Yes, it’s extra, but aren’t the best things a little extra? And, that’s why it’s called the party mix; it’s a combination I believe everyone can enjoy. It’s also a perfect movie snack as a side to your popcorn. 

There is some cooking involved with this recipe, but it is very minimal. The reason behind toasting the nuts is 1) for flavor, and 2) to allow the honey to bake onto the nuts so you aren’t left with sticky hands while eating it.

Note: The mix will still be sticky after its cooled, however, this stickiness doesn’t transfer onto the skin once baked. 

I opted to use my toaster oven for this since this is a small batch and the toasting time is so quick, but if you don’t have a toaster oven, a conventional one works just fine. 

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I mentioned earlier what my go-to trail mix is, so here’s the one that’s pictured in the small bowl above.

My go-to traditional trail mix combination: 1/2 cup walnuts, 1/2 cup cashews, 1/4 cup almonds, 1 tbsp each of regular and golden raisins, 1/2 cup banana chips and 1/4 cup peanut M&Ms which are optional.

With all trail mix, measurements are subjective and can change depending on the craving, but no matter what, I still toast the nuts prior to mixing in a little sea salt, raisins and banana chips.

Now let’s get into what you’re here for; the party mix.

Trail Mix.jpg

Total Time: 17 minutes
Yields: 12-14 servings (based on 1/4 cup serving size)


1/2 cup cashews
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup pecans
1 cup peanuts
1/3 cup pretzels
1/3 cup Reese’s pieces
1/2 cup banana chips
1 tbsp honey
1 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp granulated sugar
1 tsp dark brown sugar


Large mixing bowls
parchment paper
baking sheet
spoon or spatula

Party Snacks.jpg


Preheat toaster oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

  1. In a large mixing bowl, mix together the cashews, walnuts, pecans, peanuts and honey.

  2. Place mixture on the baking sheet lined with the parchment paper. Toast the nuts in the oven for 10 minutes.

  3. After this time, remove from the oven and return the nut mix to the mixing bowl. Mix in the chili powder, paprika, sugars and salt. Then, lay mix back on the parchment lined baking sheet to cool.

  4. Let cool for 5 minutes before adding the banana chips and pretzels.

  5. Serve in bowl while watching your favorite show, movie or on game day.


Place trail mix into a food safe plastic bag or container and store in a cool, dry area. This mix should stay fresh or up to 2 weeks.

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